On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 18:26:37 -0400
Stewart Russell via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> If you're auto-converting from TeX, try to do it as high up the conversion
> chain as you can. By the time your doco has hit DVI, it's basically marks
> on paper and any semantic information is lost. I don't think I've used DVI
> files this century: I was an early adopter of pdftex, and I'm pretty sure
> my TeX engine of choice these days is pdfxetex: straight to PDF, while also
> supporting bidirectional fonts, OpenType variant glyph forms and (IIRC)
> micro-justification of hyphenated pages. This little wrinkle pushes hyphens
> slightly into the right margin. It looks much better. Also, since every
> printing system I'm ever likely to use has a PDF document path (PostScript
> is dead), it cuts out a lot of conversion and font hassle. PDF's just super
> handy to have as a virtual paper format anyway. Dunno what I did before
> CUPS, IPP and the cups-pdf virtual printer. Waste lots of paper, I suppose.
> cheers,
>  Stewart


   I copied the MathML code from a site on MathML.  I want to learn it.  I have 
not worked hard on it since.  As I noted during the meeting.  If it works in 
Midori but not on Chrome, it doesn't work.  If it works on Chrome but not on 
Midori, it is not reliable.

   I am posting articles prepared with LaTeX.  The HTML conversion converts the 
equations to bitmaps.  These are reliable, however crappy they look. 

Howard Gibson 
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