Russell Reiter via talk wrote:
> On Saturday, 16 January 2021, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk <>
> wrote:
> > David Tilbrook passed away in the night yesterday.  COVID-19, dammit.

Requiscat in pace.

> > David had given a couple of talks at GTALUG.
> I attended one of those talks where he introduced his QEF toolset and
> software hygiene concepts. Quod Erat Faciendum, with the metaphorical
> subtext, washing behind your ears.

At a long-ago TLUG meeting, the arranged speaker was a no-show but then
in walked David with his laptop slung over a shoulder, and Drew asked if
he had a talk he could give.  A few moments later with the projector
hooked up, he selected the slides from a talk he had given 20 years
previously on making software portable between Unix and VMS.  He pointed
out that if you crossed out Unix and wrote in Linux, and likewise VMS
became NT, then absolutely nothing had changed and the talk was still
fresh when he delivered it that evening.

I also have to remember a post-meeting beer gathering one summer evening
just after Edsger W Dijkstra had passed and David was recounting good
times they'd spent together.

Anthony de Boer
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