On Sat, 6 Mar 2021 07:57:05 -0500
Chris Aitken via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> Am I on the wrong list for posing basic questions about Linux? I posted 
> a question a few weeks ago about about not being able to copy files 
> because of permissions and because filename had a '?' in it. I received 
> no response. I understand everyone is a volunteer. I'm not complaining - 
> just want to know if this is an appropriate forum for basic questions. I 
> know it's wrong to piggyback on this thread, but it is getting a lot of 
> traffic, so I had no choice. Do I keep posting, and just see which posts 
> are of interest to people, and which questions are not? Sorry, I'm not 
> one to take a hint or "know" when to leave a party. I need someone to 
> say, "Chris, leave the party." :)
> Chris


   I have posted a UNIX Command Line HOWTO on my website.  I explain wildcards 
on it.


Howard Gibson 
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