To a logician, a non-trivial chunk of the of Stallman-and-Minsky discussion looks like ill-spirited people trying to see how many logic errors and edited quotes they could pull off without being caught.

Mix them with genuinely concerned people trying to address real problems in a very emotional context and you get both a mess and a real risk of mob-like behavior...

Generally people make mistakes and errors in judgement all the time. Its how we correct those errors and mistakes that describes the content of our character.

Of course that [is] an impossible thing when someone edits your words after the fact and then the mob runs with that.
[Russell Reiter]

IMHO, this is a problem for the FSF to address, and I think they should do so the same way a judge writes judgements: thoroughly and without rancor.


David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest           |                      -- Mark Twain

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