On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 12:29:18PM -0400, William Park via talk wrote:
> Can you throw few names of "functional languages" at us non-compsci folks?

ML (and hence CAML and OCAML), F#, LISP (and hence Scheme and such),
SML, Haskell, Scala, Clojure, Erlang and many more.

Main idea (to me at least) is that you have data, and then you say
what to do with the data (but not how) and you get back data that has
been worked on.  Everything is pass by value (although the code is allowed
to reuse the storage if it wants of course as long as the result is what
you asked for), and you don't care what order the work gets done, just
that it does the work you requested and return the result.  It lends
itself well to code that is automatically paralleized by the language
as well as automatically handling memory in a way that doesn't need to
use garbage collection.

Len Sorensen
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