On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 12:05, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

> There was a limited time where you could update pre Win 10 systems to Win
> 10 without buying a new license.  If you did that, Microsoft recorded this
> fact in their central system.
> That period is over.
No, it's not. Windows will no longer deliver the upgrade tool via automatic
update, but you can download it here —
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO — via
the *Create
Windows 10 Media Installation* tool. It will definitely upgrade Windows 8
(as that's what would install on my laptop) and may do Windows 7 too.

This means I bought an unnecessary (by anyone's definition) Windows 10 Pro
licence. It wasn't as cheap as Evan's copy (it's from a more-legit source),
but it was still about $60. Quite a lot for one line of text ...

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