Granted, I have used these for many years, and am rather good at the brightness level adjustments, but, when properly trained, the recognition wait time is less than 15 seconds depending on the material being scanned. Which is the key, there are options for different kinds of materials, books hardback or paperback, newspapers, magazines, etc. Also, if one does not change the column setting it adds time while the machine looks for a column that might not be there. Still, recognition gets faster once the machine learns what it is examining, so if this source claims it takes a while, someone did not fully do their homework speaking personally.

On Sat, 29 May 2021, Stewart Russell via talk wrote:

On Sat., May 29, 2021, 07:37 Mike Kallies via talk, <> wrote:

It's approached as a gadget guy, so no deep dives, but he demos it and
gets into a bit of the history and the warts of the aging machines.

He's the only person I've seen demo one who included and commented on the
recognition wait time. Kurzweil was more of a demo showman than would admit
the machine wasn't perfect.


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