On Sat, 8 Jan 2022 20:39:42 -0500
"Stewart C. Russell via talk" <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> I recently spent time debugging why a major embedded 
> project never came with a PDF manual, despite their docs being managed 
> in Sphinx. It turns out that there's one instance of a Unicode omega / 
> Ohm symbol in their entire document base, and their Sphinx PDF rules 
> aren't Unicode-aware.

   That is a bit weird.  My old linuxdoc SGML file won't compile for
some reason.  If I delete half the document, it compiles.  If I delete
the other half of the document it compiles.  It appears to be length
limited, so I have converted everything over LaTeX, which has fantastic
PDF support, fairly good HTML support, and okay RTF support if I don't
do any graphics. 

Howard Gibson 
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