On Tue, 8 Mar 2022 15:59:16 -0500
Giles Orr via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> So my questions (yes, there are questions here): does anyone know of
> other package management systems?  I suppose I'm thinking of
> OS-specific ones rather than flatpak or snap.  How fast are those
> other systems relative to those already mentioned?  And do we have any
> full-time Arch users on the list?
> -- 
> Giles
> https://www.gilesorr.com/
> giles...@gmail.com


   Run a cron job at 3:00am and do updates once a week.   I assume the updates 
on my Fedora box are awful, but I am never around to see it.

Howard Gibson 
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