On Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 12:04:56PM -0400, sciguy via talk wrote:
> I am having very little luck poking around. And to correct what I said
> earlier, searching specific titles leads me to a "403" error (Forbidden),
> not a 404 as I had said. I searched on Programming Perl, which I have the
> second and fourth editions, and got a "403" when I clicked on the title. The
> message below reads: "Your free O’Reilly trial has ended, making this
> content unavailable to view. For unlimited access to all O’Reilly has to
> offer, purchase a membership here." I also notice that on the titles I see,
> there are no "purchase" links, just "read" links. It sounds like for the $50
> or so monthly fee, you can read anything you like. Still not sold on the
> idea, but clearly they have changed their marketing model.

It used to be you could access most of their books if you had the ACM
digital library, but that stopped last year sometime, around the same
time they apparently stopped actually selling books as far as I can tell.

Apparently ebooks.com still sells O'Reilly books though.

Len Sorensen
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