Hi, I would try to use the latest version of Thunderbird! Try this and see if 
it resolved your issue.thanks.

Warm Regards, Brendon Donohue

On 7 Mar 2015, at 5:25 am, Donald L. Roberts via Talk 
<talk@lists.window-eyes.com> wrote:

Since updating to Window-eyes 9.1 on this 8.1 desktop, I have found Thunderbird 
24.6 to be almost unusable.  Arrowing through the message list does not seem to 
be problematic unless I up or downarrow too quickly in which case one or more 
programs crash, although I am not sure whether the problem is Window-eyes or 
Eloquence.  I do know for certain that Thunderbird 24.6 crashes because, if W E 
is still running, I can go to the task manager where I get the message asking 
whether I wish to wait for the program or close it, the program being 
Thunderbird 24.6.  After such crashes, pressing control alt W does not always 
cause W E to resume.  

I am now at least temporarily using the Outlook Express hack if or until I can 
resolve the Thunderbird issues.  I know some tend to say almost automatically 
that I should upgrade to the latest Thunderbird.  But I am reluctant to do so 
because of the constant nags about Thunderbird thinks that some messages are 

In other areas, Window-Eyes 9.1 is working well for me unless I move around the 
screen too rapidly.  In 9.0, I had thought there were problems with the f8 copy 
command but later found that this command works far better with Notepad or 
Wordpad than it does with Ed sharp.

Thanks for the improvements as they are much appreciated.

Don Roberts
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