
Recently, on our web site, we have implemented the ability for users to not 
only communicate with one another via a social media like platform, but we've 
also implemented the ability for you, the user, to submit podcast recording 
material to us to include in our soon-to-be podcast.

The point is, firstly, no!  This isn't a plug for the web site.  All that I'm 
doing is trying to determine anyone who might be interested in contributing 
some podcast material for our web site to help us out.  Being this list is 
mainly about Window-Eyes, I'd like to get some content put together about it in 
combination with other applications.  It doesn't *have!* to be Window-Eyes 
related, although that certainly is one topic that I'd like to definitely cover 
in the long run.  No, I am absolutely not! trying to compete with the training 
webinars found on the AI Squared web site.  I still consider that site to be a 
vital resource.  I'm only stating that the option is now open on our web site 
as well in addition to that.

If you'd like to help out, then go ahead and record the podcast episode, and 
upload it by going to:

Then, once there, click on the link that says, "Submit a podcast."

>From this page, just follow the instructions, upload the file, and I'll then 
>be in touch with you shortly.

Thanks for your consideration.

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author 
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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