Not sure what has happened on my system this morning. I had it up running altogether last night. But this morning, the system had restarted itself. I guessed it was due to an automated update of the OS. Different reasons made the system run overnight, something I every now and then have to do, and in general have no real trouble with.

OK, it had restarted itself, and I did not pay too much attention to it all. Not until I had to access one of my external Hard Disks. No, this is not a USB Pen, it is a Real Mechanical Hard Disk, connected via an USB connection.

Like I said, everything worked perfectly well last night, but this morning, I am told that the disk in the External drive, is not formatted. I have moved it to another connector, same message. Took the disk out of the enclosure, moved it into another enclosure, reconnected, same message.

My first question is, does anyone out there know of an accessible Disk Recovery, or Disk Repair software? Something may have gone wrong with the File System of the disk, and I would have needed to get it repaired, in order to retrieve the data from the disk, if ever possible. Yes, I do have a backup, but it is a few days old, and I would much prefer to have things recovered.

Secondly, what seems even more strange, is that my screen reader claimed that there was some updated apps to be downloaded. I let it show me which apps were available for download. One of the apps, was last updated in January this year, and definitely was up-to-date yesterday. Now, it claims to be the old version, prior to January. To me, this seems like something has gotten reset somehow. I just cannot figure what. When checking my mail, the mails received last night is there, so apparently nothing got reset there. Then, why the screen reader (Window-Eyes)? Other software also seem to be up running newest installations and updates.

I was ready to try perform a system Rrestore, setting things a day or two back. Since it is quite a couple of years since I ever did that step, I am a bit curios to have my memory updated on the matter. Will a system restore only reset the software on my computer, or will any updated documents on the computer also get lost - say for instance, a Word-document that was updated last night. And, using Win7 Pro, 64bit, WE8.4, will I be able to perform a system restore directly from Windows itself, or should I preferably use any third-party software or app, to perform the restoration? Last I did a system restore, was under XP, with a much older version of the screen reader, and memory tells me it was a bit clunky.

I have updated versions of security software running all the time, so not sure why all this strange behavior. Main thing now, really, is to get things up running again. Hoped some of the techies on this list, could have given me a couple of ideas for trying. Specially, I would love to have gotten hold of the data from my external hard disk. Really would save me numerous hours of redoing some project work.

Thanks in advance, for any feedback and help.


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