Rod,    Thanks for your detailed discription of what happened.

I have a friend who just discovered Driver Detective on her system. She is certain that she never installed that software. Up on my reccomendation, she deleted it. I hope her system doesn't go down. I'll email her and suggest that she might want to consider backing up her important files.

Thanksfor the heads up.

James Bentley

-----Original Message----- From: Rod Hutton
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:20 PM
To: 'James Bentley'
Cc: 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Accessible Driver Updater?

Hi James,

Complete failure of both drives.
It started with the primary drive starting to get errors, and Windows
prompted me to backup the drive since clearly it was failing.
So I backup that drive, and then the same thing happened to the secondary
drive, a totally separate drive in the other drive bay.
Had to start from scratch with brand new drives.
What a nightmare.
I figure the Driver Detective simply installed the wrong drivers for both
drives and this unbalanced the msomehow, causing them to fail.
Never again. Smile

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
From: James Bentley []
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 11:10 PM
To: Rod Hutton; 'Dave'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: Re: Accessible Driver Updater?

What kind of damage occurred to the two hard drives?

Just curious.

James  bentley

-----Original Message----- From: Rod Hutton via Talk
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 6:39 PM
To: 'Dave' ; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Accessible Driver Updater?

Hi Dave,

I lost two hard drives on the same PC using one of those utilities.
It was called Driver Detective, and this goes back probably seven or eight
years ago.
For this reason, I don't recommend these utilities at all.



-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[] On Behalf
Of Dave via Talk
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:43 PM
To: Window Eyes support list
Subject: Accessible Driver Updater?

Hello to the List,

I have a Win 7 64 bit system, running Win eyes 8.4.

Almost every time I use this system, some time during the usage, I
loose Speech.    this happens mostly when I am using I.E. 11 and
attempting to read a web site.

However, the system can loose speech, or Lock up and any time, it
doesn't always happen when surfing the web.

I have considered upgrading to Win Eyes 9.1, but am still going to
wait for a 9.2.  I don't want to trade fixes for one problem, and get
some new ones.

I have done everything I can think of to make this system as clean as
possible, trying to not have software conflicts.

I thought I would download and use one of those programs that update
all Drivers found on the system.

There are several of these kinds of programs, and some are probably
better than others.

Have any of you used one of these  programs, and was it read well by
Window eyes?

If you had good results, and was not over whelmed with Pop Ups and
other odd things happening after using such a program, can any of you
recommend what worked for you?



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