First of all,

Allow me to sincerely apologize if my last e-mail made it to the list.  I'm not 
sure if it only reach the individual poster, or if it hit the whole list, but 
here is the situation.  I did something incredibly dumb a moment ago.

I got an e-mail from a list member stating that their e-mails were bouncing.  
First, make it very clear that I am not having this problem, nor ever have on 
this list, however, I might have some insite for you guys.  I think Lowis is 
supposed to be passing this info on to you guyhs, if she's not already done so. 
 I just spoke to her over the phone.

Basically, I too run a mailing list.  Apparently you guys use the exact same 
software which I use to host my list.  Obviously, you're on a different server 
than I am on, but ultimately you all are using the same listserv software I'm 
using.  I won't publicly reveal what that software specifically is, for 
security reasons, however, I did have Lowis check with you all, and it was 
confirmed that you all run the same software package on the server side.  The 
reason that I bring this up to you all's attention is for two reasons.

1.  My mailing list which I admin has been also having a lot of people who's 
subscriptions have been going into bounce policy status.  I even went under 
bounce settings, and set the radio button in the list web admin interface to 
"no" telling it to not process bounce policies.  Even doing this, doesn't seem 
to be helping entirely.  It improved things I think, but it didn't totally stop 

2.  Getting back to me referencing an e-mail I may have sent the whole list, my 
list had so many people bouncing, that to make it easier for me, I set up an 
e-mail filter.  I made a folder called "Bounced" and filtered every e-mail from 
every person with the words bounce, or bounced, or bouncing, all 3, to be moved 
immediately to my bounce folder.  So, when I got the message from this person 
on the talk list about their mails bouncing, obviously, it was filtered into 
that folder.  I've not been lately following this list closely, so I was 
unaware that people here had been having the issue too.  I got a little ahead 
of myself, and replied, thinking that this person was someone on my! list, not 
you all's, although actually, I think they mnight be on both, but anyway, 
that's aside the point, and I approached my response as if thinking that it was 
someone on my list.  No personal info was mentioned, nor collected, my list 
name wasn't revealed, nothing like that.  Don't worry.  I'
 m just saying if anyone's confused, then that's what the deal was.

Anyway, my ultimate point is, you all run X software.  I also run sed software 
for my list as well.  We might be on different version/builds, but I think all 
of us admins be it on you all's end with your lists, or my end with my list, 
need to look at the listserv software's documentation.  I wonder, being you all 
are having this issue, and so am I, if maybe it's possible that in the latest 
update, maybe there was a bug which needs to be patched which could be causing 

I'll look more into it over the next day or so, and I ask kindly you all do the 
same.  If I find out anything, I'll let support know privately off list.

I know this list munges the e-mail addresses of senders making them not be 
revealed, so therefore, let me include my address here purposely.

It is:

Any staff member is more than welcome to contact me if you need further 
help/clarification.  I just wonder maybe if there is a patch we could somehow 
apply via ssh with root access that may fix this on both our ends.

Basically what I'm saying is, you all aren't alone.  This problem is happening 
for me as well, so if you all are investigating on the back end, now you know, 
this isn't just you guys.  I'm having the same problem.  Dono if that's exactly 
heartenning, but it's what it is.  LOL!

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author 
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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