OK so I have tried twice to install Windows 10 on my HP Envy laptop. I have been unable to resolve the issue that file explorer is very sluggish and gets even more sluggish as times goes by. If I do a restart the sluggishness gets better but again gets worse as I use the computer. Doug at AiSquared has been working closely with me including remoting into my laptop and observed the problem first hand. I contacted the Microsoft Accessibility hotline and although they indicated that they have had numerous callers about sluggishness in file explorer they had no solution. The only last suggestion that Doug has is to do a clean install of Win 10 which means a lot of effort with the high possibility that it still won't work well. AiSquared is aware of the overall lag issue in file explorer but not like in my case where it gets more sluggish as time goes by.
Is anyone else seeing this building sluggishness?
Again I thank Doug and all the staff at AiSquared for all their time and only wished a easy solution was at hand.
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