
Am using Thunderbird V8, and am not aware of any addon that I may have for 
Window-Eyes 9.2, unless the installation natively comes with one.  In other 
words, I've not intentionally installed an addon.

Anyway, I'm noticing in Thunderbird V38 that when I arrow through my list of 
messages, it's speaking the subject field first, then! the person who sent the 
message.  To me, though some may love this, I find it incredibly irritating, 
not to mention very very awquard.  I know that a sighted person can take their 
mouse and move up to the table headers of that list, where it says subject, 
from, etc.  If they double click on the from header, I hear that is supposed to 
then pop it around where it'll show the sender first, then the subject, like 
I'm used to.  The problem is, even with using my mouse pointer, I cannot seem 
to locate those table headers to perform a left double click.

Has anyone got a trick to maybe fix this?  Some may say, oh, cut the chinwag, 
stop whining!  Just get over it!  This is my preference though, and I really 
would like to fix it, if possible.  It may not be how you! like it, but it's 
how I! want it.


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