super advice!
I think the same after some hard lesson learned in the past!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Duran via Talk" <>
To: "Talk " <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:04 PM
Subject: Keep your Windows 7 for a while!

I used to, when I wrote tutorials on Windows for the blind, recommend to my
readers that they should keep their current system for a while. Wait until
the next release fix; let others have the headaches with the new system.
The release of a new Windows is a massive undertaking, and it is impossible
to find and fix all problems before a major release.  Users will try the
strangest things - which would never occur to developers.

So, if you depend on your computer for work or school, don't muck with it!

Personally, I have an old spare computer on which I put a new Windows
release and play for a while and get use to its new ways of doing things,
most often better ways, sometime not.

For instance, as mentioned on this list, Microsoft forgot to build
Accessibility into the new browser Edge; but, wait a while, and that will
get fixed.

The developers of Windows at Microsoft have regular meetings at which they
discuss which bugs and oversights to fix; that list can contain thousands of problems. Fortunately, Microsoft has observed the Pareto Principle at work:
20 percent of the bugs cause 80 percent of the problems, so they are
addressed first.

BTW: Pareto's law applies in many situations: 20 percent of the workers at a
company do 80 percent of the work.  20 percent of mathematicians
discover/invent 80 percent of new mathematics.

Good luck, Peter Duran

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