I was wondering if anyone might know of a way to look at the code of a page and 
determine what information one is supposed to put in the edit boxes of the 
poorly designed site.

If you go to check out, the only lines that show up for shipping are an 
unlabelled edit box that sometimes has a zero in it and a pair of drop down 
boxes, one set to United States and the other to the first state 
alphabetically, Alabama I think.

Other boxes appear as one tabs through the page, I am sure they are for 
address, email and so on, but none are labelled.

The billing section is similar, with a line of labelled boxes for one to enter 
the credit card security code and drop down boxes for entering expiration date 
and a couple of unlabelled edit boxes.

I am hoping that there might be a way to fill out the rest of the form, but I 
have no idea of how to check out the pages’ code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am accessing the site on a Windows 7 
64-bit desktop with Window-Eyes 9.2 and with Internet Explorer 11. I tried 
Firefox with no luck, but I use the last FF to be compatible with mouse key 
navigation because that is the only way I know of to access things like color 
and size selection on sites like amazon. I’ve never used Chrome, so I don’t 
know if it might work better.

If anyone cares to check out the cart system, feel free.  but one has to fill 
out their profile for the person the subscription is meant for. and even if one 
just randomly creates a profile, there are over 100 items, so I didn’t think 
anyone would care to go that far. Here is the link:


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