Hi Guys:
OK, I talked to someone who said there were a possible pair of causes for
First, the major IP providers as it were, will often ping a request source,
that is the AI2 server or Mailman or however that works, to ensure they have
a valid e-mail address rather than a null one.
If the ping doesn't work the IP host will forward the message but bounce
back a message to a sender like AI2. Then AI2 gets the bounce back, Mailman
adds the bounced back message against your account until a limit set by AI2
in the Mailman software is reached and then will, depending on another
Mailman parameter remove you from the list or send out a message that you
have too many bounces depending if another  quote disregard bounces box is
checked, or not,  someplace in the AI2 Mailman software settings.
I don't know enough to know whether this is correct or not but it sure
sounds like what has happened to many of us.If this is the case the problem
on the AI2 side since they have to authorize removal of any of us from their
list either by setting Mailman parameters or by keying in something.
He was saying they need to have a valid e-mail address to handle the pings
to avoid the bounce backs and other parameters set so this is not a problem
but he is not a specialist but someone who has used Mailman and e-mail lists
in the past.
He also said that e-mail hosts like FreeLists, I use them on other lists I
am on, use Mailman but they handle all this plumbing behind the scenes so
list managers don't have to do it.
Anyway, that is what I heard, let me know if there is something else going
on here.
After many, many years on many e-lists this is the only one that has all the
problems so like we learned, which of these is not like the others?
Rick USA

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