
I thought it would be worth trying the following info in an attempt to have WE read the screen info in both Tbird and Firefox. Although the steps were followed as shown below for Jaws,in my case, it had no affect on the mouse keys and FF and TB.

It appears WE uses a different method of gaining the required info and as a result, making the changes ineffective. For all those programmers amongst us, is there anything which could be altered in the config file to improve access to the screen?

For the time being, I'll leave the alterations and will only chage them back if problems develop. Booting the system made no difference either.


TB and FF info for Jaws users:
On Windows Vista and Windows 7, Firefox and Thunderbird both use Direct2D rendering by default. This prevents the JAWS cursor from detecting information. Fortunately it is easy to disable this rendering. You need to do it once for each version of Firefox and Thunderbird you use on your system. To do this you need to set two configuration variables to true: gfx.direct2d.disabled, and layers.acceleration.disabled.
Open the Configuration Editor. In Firefox, enter
in the address bar. In Thunderbird, go to the Tools menu and navigate to Options, Advanced, General, then Config Editor.

Once in the Configuration editor, press TAB until you are in the list of options.

Pressing UP or DOWN ARROW will move you between options or typing the first few letters of an option's name will move you to a specific option in the list. In this case, type gfx and press DOWN ARROW to gfx.direct2d.disabled.

Assuming the option is set to false, press the APPLICATIONS KEY to open the context menu and choose Toggle. This will change the option to true.

Go through the same process for layers.acceleration.disabled.

Close the Configuration Editor and restart Firefox or Thunderbird. The JAWS cursor should now show content.

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