Hi Steve, responding to your initial analysis with some suggestions:
Well, it is only sort of the provider since this doesn't happen to everyone.  
Have you checked the Mailman Log Files to ensure it isnt happening to everyone?
If so what are the messages about why you were getting bounce backs - either 
you should have access to these logs or your list provider should supply them 
upon request.
Also, perhaps certain messages may pass a security check based on where they 
are sent from originally and where the major network host checks for compliance.
This is, of course, if such logs are produced by the Mailman software but I 
should guess logs are produced since this is a major piece of software.

It is also the email server that receives email that is taking a broader 
approach to limiting spam.  If that were not the case, this would be happening 
to more of us.  
Until you check the logs and, or, verify exactly where and why messages are 
getting flagged as spam with your list provider you can not make this 
assumption for sure.
Yes, some individual hosts may bounce back messages if flagged as spam or they 
might flag them as spam but then everyone on these lists would be notified of 
this since the messages would end up in their spam folder.
When this happens we have to ask why and where the list messages are being 
flagged as spam.
Could be the list is not recognized until a member clicks to allow list 
messages to come through as a normal process of their account setup.
Could be that the big network has flagged the message as spam, per my prior 
discussion, and passed it through to the individuals host who then puts it into 
the spam folder.
This said, my messages are never marked as spam and never, nothing, is placed 
in my spam folder on my computer nor on the Road Runner / Brighthouse internet 
account management platform.
Yet, I got bounced indicating the problem is that my messages are both getting 
bounced back to your provider and being sent through to me without being 
flagged as spam and passed through my Road Runner / Brighthouse account as not 
being spam.
This indicates that the answers I have received from several folks who have 
managed lists using Mailman may indeed fit the description of the problem more 
In any case, you guys are working on the problem and my first suggestion would 
be to see if you can get access to the Mailman logs for your accounts.
Also, check to ensure your provider is handling the DKIM, whatever that Domain 
Security stuff is, and, or,  has Mailman setup not to deactivate your client 
accounts because of bounce back counts if they want to use some other security 
These are only suggestions and I am beginning to feel like I am beating a dead 
hourse and there are a couple of folks on list who are complaining about this 
thread so I am out but you can contact me off list if you want or if there is 
anything I can do to help with testing etc...
You have my e-mail address on file so I wont post it here for GOD and the World.
Later and have a good weekend indeed!
Rick USA
Rick USA

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