Hi: Same here.
I have found that sometimes it pays to move very slowly through a page and
especially be careful if you are getting slow results and try a WE search
for something. I have had WE go dead as a dornail many times when trying to
perform a search.
This even usually locks up the keyboard as well but firing up narrator will
usually give me just enough to get WE working so I can REBoot without
pushing the computer hard button.
Also, hitting the WE Restart keys will sometimes, if the keyboard is still
available, bring WE back but then there are often features of WE that don't
work or some that seemingly start working that wernt working before the
crash and I have to do a soft ReBoot, if I can get back to the Desktop via
narrator,  to get WE back to working as it does prior to a lockup.
This indicates to me 2 possible areas of interest.
Any scripts that are related to the browser could be not executing their
searches fast enough like reading the dom as it is dynamically updated and 2
perhaps flash advertising or info items that are constantly starting and
stopping automatically may be causing problems or a combination of the 2 or
something totally diferent.
It should be fixable since another mainline screen reader will work fine
even after WE has locked up if I can get to it via narrator.
I too am looking forward to a new release, guess this last upgrade didn't
get it right yet, where at least one of the browsers work much better and
with no lockups with WindowEyes so these speech outages are eliminated - no
lockups is the primary goal here me thinks.
Perhaps the AI Squared staff is slogging through what they can do with the
new Edge browser, UIA or the DOM and all that rather complicated set of
technicals - fingers crossed they figure it out sooner rather than later.
Rick USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+ofbgmail=mi.rr....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of via Talk
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 4:36 PM
To: Don H <lmdd...@comcast.net>; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: WE 9.2 and IE 11

Hi don,

Yes, there are a number of WE users that are experiencing the Speech
going silent, sometimes to return, and sometimes to never return until
the system is re booted.  

I have done everything suggested, and so far, I still have issues,
especially if I attempt to move faster through a Web Page than WE can
deal with.  

I think it was Chris who suggested I make sure I.E. 11 is handling HTML
5, and since I have done this, my own  troubles have diminished, and WE
seems to be more forgiving than before.  

I have also started using the "Insert Tab" combo to have WE list the
Links on a Web Page.  This helps a great deal when moving around on
Youtube.    If I use the "Insert Tab" combo, I rarely have Speech go
away, and I can move up and down the list of links as quickly as my
fingers like.  

The only problem, is that reading only Links does not always give you
the info you need.    

I still have huge Headaches when attempting to use Ebay.    In fact, I
have stopped visiting Ebay, because WE, on my machine, just struggles to
keep speaking, and to accurately read the page.  

I am using 9.1, and just waiting for a version of WE that  has fixed
 these problems.

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