I am running the insider preview build 10547 of Windows 10 and Window-Eyes 9.2. 
If I open the Action Center and then press Windows-M, focus does move to the 
list of shortcuts on the Desktop. But, if I arrow around, the focused 
shortcut's name is not announced only the shortcut's tooltip when it is 
displayed. If I use Windows-D instead, everything works as expected. So, Rod, I 
would recommend trying Windows-D instead of Windows-M to see if that helps. I 
will try to duplicate this issue, and if I can, will work on logging an 
official bug report.


-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+msolomon=aisquared....@lists.window-eyes.com] 
On Behalf Of Steve Clower via Talk
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 8:07 AM
To: Rod Hutton <rod_hut...@hotmail.com>; Window-Eyes Discussion List 
Subject: RE: losing speech--last Monday of month--early morning


Regarding the action center, I just went there and immediately pressed 
Windows-M. My focus was then on the desktop with no lock ups. Are you running a 
stock Windows 10 build, or have you tried the latest Insider build 10547?


-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+sclower=aisquared....@lists.window-eyes.com] On 
Behalf Of Rod Hutton via Talk
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 8:04 AM
To: 'Rick Thomas' <ofbgm...@mi.rr.com>; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: losing speech--last Monday of month--early morning


One possibility is an anti-virus scan scheduled task, and I prefer never to
allow these to run automatically.
Admittedly, since switching to Microsoft Security Essentials on my Windows 7
64 bit system and now Windows Defender on my Windows 10 64 bit system, I
haven't seen any lockups of speech, at least not out of the blue without my
touching my keyboard.
One thing I have noticed on my Windows 10 system is when I am in the 
Action center portion of the notification area and I press Windows-M to
attempt to go to my desktop icons, it is common for WE to lockup, requiring
me to press Control-Alt-W to reload, and this can take a good few seconds
before WE comes back.
To avoid this problem, I now tab out of the Action Center to go to the
Also, I did notice the other day that when my wireless keyboard loss battery
power, WE locked up and this was simply due to my trying to press keys.
When I put the new batteries into the keyboard and press Control-Alt-W, WE
came back, but isn't it interesting that this would cause a speech lockup?

I hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+rod_hutton=hotmail....@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf
Of Rick Thomas via Talk
Sent: October 2, 2015 7:19 AM
To: 'Chris Grabowski' <cgrabow...@aisquared.com>; 'Window-Eyes Discussion
List' <talk@lists.window-eyes.com>; 'Gayle' <gbeng...@live.com>
Subject: RE: losing speech--last Monday of month--early morning

Hi: Havent followed this thread but...
If it is a web page it sounds more like the website may be performing some
maintenance on their server(s) and something is causing a problem that
WindowEyes may not be able to handle.
Websites often perform necessary maintenance on the same day of each month,
sometimes each week, and that can cause the web site or some pages to either
be down or some unexpected results to return to the browser.
It also could be, as Chris mentioned, you have something scheduled to run at
that day and time or perhaps even an app that was loaded by the vendor when
you purchassed the machine having problems like trying to call home and
waiting for a response that never comes.
These are not a WindowEyes problem but if your machine loses speech or locks
up whenever this happens due to some third party operation that, in my old
fat blind guy opinion, is a WindowEyes problem.
But, the simple approach, work-around, is do your work either earlier in the
day, later or on another day unless it is a date time critical operation.
Other than that you would have to identify, ask around this list, what
program is causing the problem and try to work-around it or deactivate it if
something you don't use anyway.
Rick USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+ofbgmail=mi.rr....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Chris Grabowski via Talk
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 6:24 AM
To: Gayle <gbeng...@live.com>; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: RE: losing speech--last Monday of month--early morning

If it is the last Monday of the month regardless of the date, it sounds like
you have some kind of scheduled task running.
Open the task scheduler and see if there is a task set to run at that time,
what it is and stop it.


Window-Eyes Product Support
Ai Squared
725 Airport North Office Park
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(802) 362-3612

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+cgrabowski=aisquared....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Gayle via Talk
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2015 5:47 PM
To: talk@lists.window-eyes.com
Subject: losing speech--last Monday of month--early morning

Hi, I'm giving you more information. I have an HP desktop computer, Windows
Vista and WE 8.4. I have a problem with losing speech on the last Monday of
the month in the early morning at around 4:00 a.m. central standard/daylight
saving time. Sometimes control, alt,w doesn't work to restore speech and
control,alt,delete won't work either for some reason. I have to do a hard
reset and then reboot one more time. Sometimes I can't shut down the
computer using control, alt, delete and I need to do a hard reset and
reboot. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks much in advance for
all your help. Gayle _______________________________________________
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