Okay, here it is again.

An Error Occurred in GW Toolkit 8.6.4 (80070002)

Description: The system cannot find the file specified.

Line: 215

Path: C:\Program Files\GW Micro\Window-Eyes\users\default\gwtoolkit.vbs.wecrypt.wsf

Active Window Title: desk top, SHELL32, Progman
Active Window Set File: shell32.set
Focused Window Module: SHELL32, SysListView32
Fusion Version:
Active Synthesizer: Vocalizer Expressive (Window-Eyes)
Active Braille Display: None
OS Version: 5.1 (2600) SP: 3.0
GW Toolkit: 8.6.4
I tried to update to the 8.6.5 version. At the end of the normal procedure, I got the message that the installation had succeeded. However, from this message, it appears that it hasn't. Is this because the new version will not update on a machine running anything older than Windows 7? Kim Lingo

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