I just got WE installed and I have to say Thunderbird loads much faster when opening a message. It's pretty slick!

On 12/16/2015 4:06 PM, Scott VanDeWalle via Talk wrote:
yes, i love it too.
Thank you ai squared team for this.
So far for me, its much faster and in my opinion better.


On 12/16/2015 12:37 PM, Darrell Bowles via Talk wrote:
I was able to get the  update with no problems. I'm liking it already.
Thanks for fixing the spellcheck dialogs in word and outlook

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+dgbowles=msn....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Chad Brown via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 12:35 PM
To: Linda Mentink <ment...@frontiernet.net>; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: RE: Introducing Window-Eyes 9.3.1

My advice is wait a while. Everybody is trying to install

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+cbrown=iowa-braille.k12.ia...@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Linda Mentink via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Aaron Smith; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Introducing Window-Eyes 9.3.1

I have tried three times to get the upgrade. My computer keeps saying
"progressing," and eventually closes. What do I do? Call AI Squared and get
remote assistance? Thanks.

At 10:39 AM 12/16/2015, you wrote:
Get Built-in Optical Character Recognition and a Faster User Experience
with Window-Eyes 9.3

Window-Eyes 9.3 is now available providing customers with the ability
to recognize text from files or the screen with built in Optical
Character Recognition. This version also offers a more reliable and
stable user experience that will help maximize your productivity at
work, home, and school.
Keep reading to learn more about the features and enhancements in
Window-Eyes 9.3:

Extract Text from Files, Images and the Screen Quickly and Easily

*        Recognize text in inaccessible scanned PDF files.

* Recognize text from images in .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tiff formats.

*        Choose from several different kinds of file types to
recognize, including .txt, .html, .xml, and .zip.

*        If Office is installed, you can also OCR documents ending
in .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx.

*        Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files can be recognized,
including text found in WordArt to ensure readability.
All-New Read to End

*        Read-to-end has been completely rewritten to provide the
most responsive and accurate reading experience.

*        When read-to-end is stopped, it will start again from the
word that was last spoken to help save time and increase efficiency.

*        If a Braille display is connected, Braille output will
remain in sync with speech as documents are read aloud.

*        Hot keys used to increase or decrease speech are much more
responsive, enabling users to more easily read documents in the manner
they prefer.
Microsoft Office

*        Improved reading of all spell check dialogs in Office 2010,
2013, and 2016.

*        Responsiveness of the Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016 inbox
under Windows 10 has been improved to make reading email faster.

*        Outlook's conversation view in 2010, 2013, and 2016 is now
supported so that users can group messages with the same subject
enabling reading of all messages within a thread quickly and easily.

*        If Window-Eyes was restarted while Outlook was open,
message virtualization would stop functioning until Outlook was
restarted. This issue has been fixed.

*        When a PowerPoint slideshow started, and Window-Eyes was
set to automatically read the entire document, only the content of the
first slide would be spoken. This has been fixed.

*        If the version of Window-Eyes for users of Microsoft Office
was in use, and the Office 365 sign-in window was closed without first
entering any text, Window-Eyes would crash. This has been resolved.

*        Other miscellaneous fixes.
Mouse Improvements

*        The physical mouse now reads UIA and IA2 programs, which
improves the reading experience in programs such as web browsers and
modern Windows apps.

* A hot key to continue a mouse search in reverse has been added.

*        Window-Eyes can now read an entire line or only a word
under the pointer as the physical mouse moves across the screen.

*        The mouse can now be set to read instant, hover, or no echo
when moving the mouse around the screen. If the user sets it to hover,
the amount of time can be adjusted before the information under the
mouse is spoken. This allows low vision users better control over what
they hear when the mouse moves around the screen.

*        Other miscellaneous fixes.
Other Fixes

* Responsiveness in the Windows 10 File Explorer has been improved.

*        Quickly check the status of wireless network connections
with a single hot key.

*        Responsiveness for Eloquence, eSpeak, RealSpeak, Vocalizer,
and Vocalizer Expressive synthesizers has been significantly improved.

*        The WE cursor (which allows you to explore the screen
without moving the mouse pointer) has been renamed to the invisible
cursor to better reflect its functionality.

*        The QuickStart Wizard has been replaced with a new app
called Setup Wizard providing a new visual interface and more options
to help users get started using Window-Eyes.

*        The app update notification options that are displayed when
updates are available have been expanded to include a tone, dialog box,
tooltip, or any combination of the three.  This enables users to select
how they want to be notified of app updates.

*        Support has been added for the Handy Tech Active Star,
Handy Tech Modular, and BAUM VarioUltra displays.

*        Numerous stability fixes and performance enhancements have
been added.
For a complete list of Window-Eyes 9.3 new features, improvements and
changes, please refer to the Window-Eyes 9.3 Read Me.

Download your upgrade
If you have purchased a Window-Eyes 9.2 upgrade or have an active
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA), you can download the upgrade for
free at http://www.gwmicro.com/upgrade or activate the Check for
Updates option in the Help menu.

Try Window-Eyes
If you don't currently own Window-Eyes, you can get it for free! For
anyone who has a valid license of Microsoft Office 2010 or higher,
Window-Eyes can be downloaded for free at www.WindowEyesForOffice.com.
If you don't have Office 2010 or newer installed on your PC, you can
obtain a free 60-day evaluation of Window-Eyes here:
http://www.gwmicro.com/Window-Eyes/Demo/.  If you haven't tried
Window-Eyes in a while, give Window-Eyes 9.3 a try for free today!

If you already own Window-Eyes 9.2, you will be able to download
Window-Eyes 9.3 absolutely free! It will not count against your SMA.
Window-Eyes 9.3 will be available for you to download, but SMA
customers will not receive an installation DVD. You may order a DVD by
contacting Ai Squared.

Order your upgrade or SMA today!
Call us today at (802) 362-3612 or email us at
sa...@aisquared.com<mailto:sa...@aisquared.com> to place your order.
Non-English versions are released after the English version, so please
check with your local dealer for availability in your language. For
those outside of the U.S., contact your local dealer.

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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For subscription options, visit
List archives can be found at

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

For membership options, visit
For subscription options, visit
List archives can be found at
Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

For membership options, visit http://lists.window-eyes.com/options.cgi/talk-window-eyes.com/chatterbox052782%40gmail.com. For subscription options, visit http://lists.window-eyes.com/listinfo.cgi/talk-window-eyes.com List archives can be found at http://lists.window-eyes.com/private.cgi/talk-window-eyes.com

Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author 
and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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