Hi Nolan,

Here's a shot in the dark, but I'd be inclined to unplug all USB devices on
your system except your keyboard and then reboot.
After the reboot, plug your braille display into the second available USB
Then, run the Setup wizard on the Apps menu in the WE control panel, and
choose your braille display from the appropriate screen.
Run all the way to the end of the wizard, and then test your display.
Only after ensuring your braille display is functioning properly would I
plug in your USB hub and other USB devices.



-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+rod_hutton=hotmail....@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf
Of Crabb, Nolan via Talk
Sent: January 19, 2016 6:03 PM
To: Window-Eyes Discussion List (talk@lists.window-eyes.com)
Subject: Can't Even Read the Dots, Let Alone Connect Them (HumanWare)

So I've fought this for weeks including three calls to HumanWare and one to
AI Squared, and I can't fix it.

Here's the environment:  Windows 10/64, Window-Eyes 9.3, HumanWare
Brailliant BI32 connected via USB.

I can't get Window-Eyes to communicate with the display unless I invoke the
display's  OpenBraille protocol, which is wobbly at best, because it doesn't
allow the unit to charge properly, but that's not why I'm writing.

The problem is, no matter how I set the horizontal controls, whenever I pan
the display, I miss several words in the line. Yes, I do have scrolling
options set to enable whole word. Yes, I've tried both display length and
specify line length in horizontal scrolling options, all to no satisfaction.

Today, I rebuilt my Window-Eyes profile, which accomplished nothing.

I've moved the display from a hub and plugged it into the PC directly; no
change. I was on hold with HumanWare for nearly an hour, then I got bounced
to a recording that said I had to leave a message. 

Is anyone on this list using these Brailliant displays with win 10 and WE?
If so, are you able to pan without word loss? Are you forced to use the
OpenBraille protocol?

Here's the most amusing part: Today, I installed the HumanWare USB driver
from its tools program; it set the display to virtual port Com6. Again,
Window-Eyes wouldn't work with it. Not only can I not pan, but the display
goes blank when WE originally opens, then returns to the HumanWare menu
rather than receiving data from WE.

But the most twisted part of this is that NVDA works perfectly with it. I
didn't even have to tell NVDA which port to look for. Panning in NVDA is
perfect; no words missed.

You'll be doing me a tremendous favor by not writing something snarky back
to me like, "what's your problem, fool? Why not just use NVDA?" Because I
prefer to use Window-Eyes whenever and wherever possible.

This is one of those maddening problems where you can't even get any
pleasure from having someone remote into the machine, since they can't see
the performance of the display.


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