One last thing, when I type in any other fields, I can hear what I am back spacing.

On 4/26/2016 2:00 AM, Nick Sarames via Talk wrote:
First let me explain. When I post to the list, I find it easier to click on the link from the introductory e-mail I received welcoming me to the list (I don't bother with an address book). Generally When I compose an e-mail in Thunderbird, I first make sure I am in the correct window, and then I type control-n. Lately I have found that when I backspace over a letter, WE is no longer reading the letter. Instead I am getting the Windows bong sound. I tried maximizing the window but to no avail. BTW, even though WE is not reading the letters over which I am back spacing, they are being erased.

Now here's the interesting part. As I told you, I don't manually type the address for this list in the "to" field, opting instead to click on the link in the original e-mail. And when I back space, WE is reading the letters as I back space over them.

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