Amen!  Thanks for your best, Window-Eyes and A1Squared!

And thanks for the smile, Dave,


-----Original Message----- From: Dave via Talk
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:42 PM
To: A I Squared Support
Subject: To Doug and the others at GW Micro

Hello Doug,

I am not thrilled about the blending of A I Squared and Freedom
Scientific.  but, it looks like it will be happening, and so I can only
hope for the best.

I have no idea what Trials you and Dan suffered through, all these years
of attempting to provide a very good Screen Reading program, first for
DOS and then for the many flavors of Windows.

People can be Unthankful and still be incredibly Demanding. As many
Comedians might say, the Blind are a hard Crowd to please.

I forget when I bought Vocal eyes, the Dos Screen Reader.  Sometime in
the early to mid 90's.

Before then, I had bought and used two or three other Screen Readers.
Once I started using Vocal eyes and then Window eyes, I was comfortable
with what it provided, and especially with the great Customer Service
and Tech Support.  Perhaps it is the Indiana culture, but almost always,
I felt like those attempting to provide good service to me were doing
the best they could, which is all I was expecting.

Because of your program, I was able to be employed for almost 25 years,
in a real job, doing real work, working for a real Company, and not some
charity or Government job where I filled a Quota for Hiring the

this was important to me, and without a high quality Screen Reader, I
would not have been able to pull my own weight, and be an asset to the

I would sincerely like to Thank you and Dan, and the others at the old GW
Micro for having an Old Fashiond approach to serving your Customer Base.
I for one, benefitted from all of GW Micro's efforts.

As all of us go forward, I guess time will tell just how smoothly the
blending of Window-eyes and Jaws will turn out.

I have many years of being quite Spoiled with Good Service, and I am a
very Difficult Customer if Quality Control is taken lightly by
Management.  Receiving a Buggy program has never been something that
makes me Happy.

Onward we all go, and I hope for the best when it comes to the future of
Window-Eyes and its Customers.

Grumpy Dave Heilman

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