sorry, i am a geek
i use a desktop because i want the ability to build my own to my specifications that will do what i want it to do. with the parts i want in the machine.
with plenty of card slots for any card upgrades i may want to install.
which leaves out all tablets and laptops.
not the cheap manufacturers computers that can not be upgraded or changed. most only have 2 or less card slots, no place to add another internal drive. propriatary designs that only the manufacture has.
i want to have control over where files and programs are being stored.
my first computer way back in 1979 the atari 800 cost $1000 with only 8 k of memory and a digital tape drive for storage. i wanted to make a longer external cable for there external hard drive. but they would not sell me there propriatary connector that only attari made. the only way they would sell me the connector is if i sent the computer into a repair facility. then they would make a cable for me for about $200 service charge. i can not do anything with the i phone or i pad unless it is approved by apple. its apple only or go suck an egg. no way can i say that voice over is any way near the capability of window eyes or jaws or nvda.

-----Original Message----- From: Dave via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 6:19 PM
To: Andy Baracco ; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Think Business

Yes, you make some good points.

I am amazed at how many use a Smart Phone of some kind instead of a PC.

Guess when you get down to it, most of the reasons why a blind person
would use a computer is almost covered by today's Smart Phone.

I took a week long class at my local State Agency for the blind, and I
was surprised that everyone, and I do mean, everyone, had an I-Phone or
something like it.  And most everyone seemed to be checking it every
five minutes or less!    Even my Instructor was grabbing his phone every
time it Beeped, even if he was attempting to instruct me about the
subject of the class.

I felt this was some what Rude, but I also thought him coming to class
late and then leaving early was also rude.  especially since I was there
to learn as much as I could.  I was there on time, so why wasn't he?

But, this is the over all general Operating Procedure for this Agency.
So I guess I should have been glad to get what I received.

but, the answer for everything seemed to be an I-Phone.  Something I
have yet to purchase, mainly because Grumpy Dave has enough to be Grumpy
about.  And I can not think of any reason to justify the cost, or the
monthly cost of the Plan needed to run the thing.

I was impressed at what these I-phones can do, but when I thought about
it, I didn't need what they offered.  At least not yet.

I did like the ability to know your location, and even what stores are
near by.  I thought that was very handy.  But handy enough to pay the
cost of everything to get this feature?  Not really.

So, I am making do with what I already own etc.

I am also surprised at how few blind people even use a computer.  I had
a chance to see how many people have downloaded NVDA, and this was World
Wide numbers, and I was thinking the number should have been much much

No wonder the money seems to be in the equipment for Low Vision people
rather than those who are so blind they need a Screen Reader.

We are indeed a small minority.

Grumpy Dave

Dave <>

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