This is sound advice, i'm glad someone has their head screwed on straight about this. If you go ahead and try to stop this, you could essentially ruin the very thing you're trying to protect.

On 6/16/2016 4:21 PM, Steve Jacobson via Talk wrote:
Darrell and others,

In a situation like this, we often look at the possibilities as either being
the status quo or as a change we don't particularly like.  It is easy for us
to assume that if there were no merger that everything would continue on
with all of us remaining happy.  What is easy to forget is that we can't
really know what would happen if there were no merger.

Certainly I am somewhat nervous about this merger.  However, I don't have
enough information to say for certain whether stopping the merger would be
good.  I don't know the financial situation of AI Squared, but I would tend
to believe that if their financial situation was a strong one, the merger
probably would not have happened.  In other words, we really don't know for
sure that no merger would necessarily have meant that everything would have
continued as we have come to like it.  One probably should be careful about
trying to stop a merger unless one knows for certain that the current
financial position is a very good one.  The alternative to a merger may not
necessarily be what we would like it to be.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[] On
Behalf Of Darrell Bowles via Talk
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:21 AM
To: Mike Pietruk <>; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: action by DOJ

How do you all know what type of merger this is? Do you all work on the
inside, and can say with insurances, that this is to consolidate rather than
to eliminate?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 16, 2016, at 7:40 AM, Mike Pietruk via Talk
<> wrote:

Great from hearing from someone who has a legal background on this.
And, taking this a step further, let's say the DOJ actually filed an
action to stop the merger.
That would cost VFO major dollars to defend which they likely don't have.
So, the deal falls through and (probably) AISquared goes under so who is
better off then?
This isn't a merger out of strength; this is a consolidation necistated by
attempted survival in an ever changing landscape and in an economy which
isn't exactly flourishing.

I have a great need for Christ; I have a great Christ for my need.
Charles Spurgeon

On Wed, 15 Jun 2016, Kim Lingo via Talk wrote:

I would be very surprised if the Department of Justice does anything at
First, this just happened.  there is no actual showing of harm to the
yet.  Second, there _are_ other screen readers out there.  I'm thinking
Narrator, and something I've read about on this list called System
there may very well be more I don't know about.

Also, this represents possible but not yet proven injury to a very small
of consumers in the over-all scheme of things.  It's not exactly a
grabber.  Then there's budgetary considerations.  My area of legal
before I retired was not anti-trust or consumer litigation.  This was
a bit thirty years ago when I was in law school.  But you don't have to
be a
lawyer to figure this kind of thing out.  We'll just have to wait and see
happens.  I realize the federal trade commission, or the DOJ, can't do
anything about this if they don't know; so I'm not telling anyone not to
a complaint.  I'd just be very surprised if anything happened.  Remember,
there is something even more powerful than a verdict, an injunction, or a
writ.  That's the wallet.
Kim Lingo

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