If John Blake is the type of CEO that he is being portrayed as being, much of this feedback will be geting to him. I actually believe that he could show some leadership though, and as soon as practicable, tell us how the new company will stay committed to Ai Squared products.

There is nothing wrong with a profit motive driving this industry's consolidation. How many of us know about the high costs of research and develoment, the long lag time between conceptulasing a piece of software, developing the code, testing the code, debugging, manual writing, sales and distribution?

By way of example: I have been ranting on for ages about the urgent need for Window-Eyes to have improved braille support. We were told during this discussion that at last, Ai Squared will have access to braille specialists as part of the new arrangements. Great - I say! Like it or not, small, innovative companies struggle. I am hopeful that with some scale, prices will drop, gbut they may relate to products that none of us have yet imagined.


On 6/18/2016 6:18 AM, Chris Skarstad via Talk wrote:
I hear what people are saying, but that doesn't mean that we as Window-eyes users should just lie down and give up. If you value Window-eyes, then we need to say something. If it does turn out that JAWS wins, then we can at least say we tried.

On 6/17/2016 1:45 PM, Darrell Bowles via Talk wrote:
Oh, Hmm, let's see, just for a second. Freedom Scientific's idea of a great
offer, JAWS and Magic student addition for $300 per year, "Using Federal
Quoata funds. They have never, and will not ever, consider the end-user.
Gw-micro/Ai Squared Window-eyes as long as you have a copy of the latest
version of Microsoft office. Not to mansion before that the payment plan.
It's not AI-squared that I have a lack of confidence in, it's Freedom

Darrell Bowles
Assistive Technology Trainer
Pelissippi State Community College

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+dgbowles=msn....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Bob Tinney via Talk
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 1:28 PM
To: Window-Eyes Discussion List <talk@lists.window-eyes.com>
Subject: Re: David Woo interview

Why are so many of you list members acting like the end has come.  I'm
looking forward to the future and hoping for the best in accessibility!
If you expect the worst, that's what you'll get, I'm expecting a positive
outcome and I hope that I'm right about that!

Bob, K8LR, tinn...@charter.net

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