Thank you Ray! I hear you brother! RJ

On 6/17/2016 11:11 PM, Ray Campbell via Talk wrote:
Hi All:

Let’s all take a deep breath and a bottle of chill pills, people.  Before you all 
continue spouting off that the end of the world is coming, take a look at the VFO 
Website, <>.  Here’s what you’ll 
see.  The companies, Freedom Scientific, Optelec and AI Squared have links on that 
site to, guess what, their own websites.  I had to look up some information this 
morning at work about the site licensed JAWS and that’s what I found, on the Freedom 
Scientific website.  The VFO Group site talks about each company being their own 
brands.  My wife’s comparison to Yum Brands is very appropriate.  Look at VFO’s site 
before yo keep spouting your venom, then get back to actually helping Window-Eyes 
users with issues and concerns they have.  And I’m a 20-year Window-Eyes user, so I’m 
as concerned about the future of Window-Eyes as anyone but I’m going to choose to 
move forward and not lose sleep over things I can’t control.

Ray Campbell
Twitter: @packerbackerray

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