This update should be available sometime Friday.
Added support for the Mix/replace and Click and Crackle removal processor windows. Note: There are some custom controls that have been scripted but do not speak the control type, i.e. fader or slider. This is due to them not having identifiers. All of them are just sliders that work with up/down/left/right. The only difference between fader and slider is that they are vertical and horizontal respectively. As long as the field data value is voiced they are usable with the arrows. You can see this in Alt-T Tools, K Click and crackle removal.
Sensitivity 1 to 20. 16.
16 is the field data: The current setting that tells you the arrows will work. Prevented the double speaking of the file name (field name) when it has already been voiced in the title bar.
Added select all, copy, cut, paste key labels in data windows.
Fixed the occasional error with Control-Shift-P Speak position hotkey.
Other miscellaneous stability and performance improvements.

Below is the updated help file.

Sound Forge Pro 11 Enhancements App V 1.2.
* Menu Options.
Open the Window-Eyes control panel. Alt-A Apps. SoundForgePro11.
Help to read this file.
Email Tom to email me.
Donate via PayPal. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Control-Shift-? while in Sound Forge will also open this file.
* Main Sound forge Window.
When you have a file or files open they are in what is called the data window. Here are the available features. App hotkeys may be redefined in the Window-Eyes App Manager.
App key. Description. Example.
Control-Shift-L. Length of currrent file. 5 minutes 14.7 seconds.
Control-Shift-P. Current position in file. 1 minute 5.498 seconds.
Control-Shift-M. Speak peak meters. Channel 1 -0.5. Channel 2 -1.2.
(Surround sound is not currently supported.)
Control-Alt-Shift-M. Reset peak meters. Channel 1 -Inf. Channel 2 -Inf.
Control-Shift-S. Speak selection. Selected from 8.773 seconds to 29.963 seconds. 15.189 seconds. If no audio is selected that is what will be voiced.
Control-Shift-Z. Speak zoom ratio. 1:2,048.
Sound forge hotkeys and what they will speak.
Up/Down, Control-Up/Down. Zoom ratio.
S or / (slash). These both toggle your selection. If you have audio selected and press either it will be unselected. Press either again and your selection will be restored. They will speak the selection or no audio selected.
Control-X, C, V, Z. Cut, copy, paste, undo.
Control-S. save.
Control-F4 and Control-W. Close.
I, O, M. In, Out, Marker.
Control-Home, Control-End, Control-Shift-Home, Control-Shift-End. Beginning or end of file or Selected to beginning or end of file.
* Real-time previewing when audio is not playing.
These Sound forge keys are related to moving and selecting when a file is not playing. They deserve their own section because Having the app make them activate playback on the fly isn't completely practical for technical reasons. If it were they would have been implemented in Sound forge long ago. Skimming through your audio is what the JKL shuttle keys are for. So here are the keys and my take on them.
Left/Right and Shift-Left/Right.
These are most useful for zeroing in for marker placement and nudging selection start/end points. If I tap them and wait for the preview to finish they work fine. If I press and hold that also works fine. Note: I have programmed these not to trigger the preview until the key is released. So you will not get a stuttering effect. Again, moving fluidly through your file is the purpose of the JKL shuttle keys. The problem comes in when we go in between these extremes and tap these keys at a moderate pace and while the preview is still playing. This can cause very strange reactions, particularly with the right arrow. It may scroll backwards or jump to the end of the file. But if you keep the above in mind they will work fine. When you want to make a selection or move to a particular point I recommend using the JKL shuttle keys to get as close as possible. J back, K pause, L forward. Pressing J or L a second or third time goes from normal speed to faster to fastest. Once you get the hang of it you can zero in pretty good with these keys. Then use the arrow keys and the Up/Down ratio keys to get right where you want to be. Control-Shift-K previews up to the current position. If you're selecting something to cut Control-K plays before and after as if it were cut.
These keys will also trigger a preview. However I presume you will primarily be using them to jump to markers. In that case they work fine provided you don't have a hundred markers and aren't maniacally rifling through your file.
I presume these keys will be used to select between one marker and another, i.e. dial into the beginning of your selection with JKL and arrows and drop a marker. Then do the same for the end of the selection. And finally, Control-Shift-Left to select from your end marker to your beginning marker. This will trigger playback of the selected audio. You can also move to an existing marker and Control-Shift-Right to the next marker and hear the selection.
Page Up/Down and Control-Page Up/Down.
These move in large and larger increments and preview as well. Try to heed the above warning.
* Processing time.
Processing time is voiced when complete, i.e. Processing time (Wave Hammer): 2.234 seconds.
Note: Some processes which execute quickly do not display processing time.
* Configuration and processor (plug-in) windows.
Alt-O Options, P Preferences, General tab.
This window now works as a list box so that the options and the related icon check boxes read as a single line. Field names and data now work when adjusted using custom control faders and sliders in the following processor windows.
Parametric and Paragraphic equalizers.
Wave Hammer compressor and limiter. Normalizer.
Noise gate. Noise Reduction. Audio Restoration.
Mix/replace, Click and Crackle removal.
Volume. Time Stretch. Pitch Shift.
Note: If you activate the "More" dialog button in a processor window the custom controls within which are not usable will be silent when you tab to them. * Suggested Sound forge configuration changes intended to improve performance. These are simply the changes I've chosen to make to improve performance, free up some screen real estate, and rid the main and data windows of mouse-driven items I never use. None are required for this app to function other than making sure that the splash screen is unchecked.
Alt-O Options, D Time Display. Check Passive update.
Alt-O Options, V Video. Check Passive Update.
Alt-O Options, P Preferences, General tab.
Uncheck the following items:
Show logo splash screen on start up.
Show a textured background on the workspace.
Show shuttle controls on Data Window  transport.
Show record controls on Data Window  transport.
Show waveform while recording.
Show free storage space on Status Bar.
Allow Ctrl+drag style cursor scrub in  data windows.
Allow Ctrl+drag style zoom in data  windows.
Toolbars Tab. Uncheck all toolbars.


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and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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