For those of us who are still waiting.

Link and text below:


Windows 10 Anniversary Update rollout may not be done until early  November 

Microsoft is notifying Windows 10 users that the Anniversary Update may take
three months to roll out. Here's why. 


Mary Jo Foley 

September 13, 2016 -- 14:02 GMT (07:02 PDT)

| Topic: 

Windows 10 

If you still haven't gotten the Windows 10 Anniversary Update pushed to your
device yet, there may be some valid reasons why. 

Microsoft began rolling out 

the latest version of Windows 10, the Anniversary Update, on August 2 

. At that time, Microsoft officials said the rollout would be staggered, but
didn't get too explicit as to how -- or how long it might take the company
to push Windows 10 Anniversary to consumers and business users who are on
the so-called Current Branch of Windows 10. 

It's worth repeating that those who really want the Anniversary Update

have options to proactively go get it 

. (And yes, the irony is not lost on me: Now that 

Microsoft isn't force-feeding Windows 7 and 8 users Windows 10 

, people who aren't being offered the latest Windows 10 update are asking
why they don't have it.) 

I received a Microsoft blast email just over a week ago that included a
footnote that mentioned it might take up to three months for Microsoft to
push the Anniversary Update to those set up to get it. That means those
currently waiting may still have another month and a half to wait. 

Here's the footnote from that email blast: 

"The Anniversary Update will download and install via Windows Update. The
download is automatically available to you. It will begin rolling out on 2
August 2016 and may take up to 3 months to reach all users. Internet access
fees may apply," said the footnote to the email I received on September 1. 

Some who've seen headlines about various problems introduced by the
Anniversary Update and subsequent cumulative update patches to it may be in
no hurry to get the latest feature update to Windows 10. There have been
reports of compatibility issues with the Anniversary Update and 

McAfee security software , 

webcams ,

Kindles , 

PowerShell Desired State Configuration feature 

 and more. 

Microsoft is throttling delivery of Windows 10 Anniversary Update, and,
presumably, future updates, so company officials can keep tabs on what's
working and not as the update rolls out to the many, many permutations and
combinations of Windows machines where it's qualified to run. This is part
of the reason why Microsoft is obsessed with telemetry and has been for the
past few years. 

I've seen lots of rumors percolating lately that Microsoft no longer does
its own Windows testing and doesn't have any Windows testers left since 

the company cut a bunch of them a couple years ago 

 as part of one of the waves of layoffs Microsoft has had. Microsoft 

changed the way it handled the testing function in Windows 

 in 2014 to shift more of the testing to the Windows developers working on
certain features, which resulted in the company cutting a number of its
existing dedicated testers. 

I've asked my contacts about this and have been told there definitely are
hundreds, if not thousands, of Windows testers working for Microsoft.
Windows Insider testers are providing testing help through bug reporting
during the development process, too, but they are not the only Windows
testers. There are also corporations doing their own internal Windows 10
testing, plus hardware and software partners doing the same (hopefully) in
advance of Microsoft's release of Windows 10 feature updates. 

I asked Microsoft for more information on how it's working to improve
quality and reliability in Windows 10, moving forward. I received this
statement from a spokesperson: 

"Ensuring our customers have a positive experience with our products and
services is incredibly important to us and we take the quality and
reliability of our software seriously. When we deliver updates to more than
350 million devices, those builds have gone through extensive internal and
external testing. The vast majority of our customers have a high-quality,
positive experience with our updates and our goal is an issue-free
experience for everyone. For those who don't, we want to hear from them so
we can fix any issues as quickly as possible. We encourage our customers to
contact Customer Support." 

With unhappy users having an ever-increasing number of ways to make their
complaints known through social channels and forums, I'm hoping that
Microsoft will take steps to let users know the potential impact of Windows
10 issues and be upfront about when they can expect workarounds and fixes.
More blog posts like this one with 

resources for checking and improving application compatibility 

 would be welcome  (especially ahead of new Windows 10 feature updates), as


I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted

and behold, service was joy.


From: Rabindranath Tagore


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and do not necessarily represent those of Ai Squared.

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