Hi Again Dave:
I know a fellow who used Access, a recent version I think but don't hold me
to it, to convert a rather complicated Excel spreadsheet into the correct
format for Sql Server.
He created the Access Database, generated reports, imported, filtered and
sorted the excel data and stored the results in his Access Database. Then he
used the Access Database to convert into a Sql Server Database format - part
of his Degree Program at Liberty University.
He uses JAWS so I am not sure if he could have done all that with WindowEyes
but Access, one of the flavors, is indeed pretty accessible according to
The only other thing I can think of is to hire someone to create a nice
database app for you - not too hard but time consuming.
If based off SqLite or another existing Database most of the really complex
work will already have been done and mainly just the user interface with all
the features you want need to be programmed.
If you want your own database this is one option if you cant find one out
there that suits your needs but this is likely going to be a costly option
me thinks.
Having a somewhat accessible piece of existing software scripted to tweak
the user interface to work with jaws or windoweyes might be less costely and
give you faster development and a lower cost.
Rick USA
From: Dave [mailto:dlh...@centurylink.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 11:09 AM
To: Rick Thomas <ofbgm...@mi.rr.com>; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Data Bases

Hi rick,

not sure who you were speaking to, but it was me that has ran into the
Database barrier, and have yet to figure a way around it.

Over the years, I have attempted to use Access, and had little to no
success.  I had more success in the early edition of Access than say in
the 2010 edition, which is the last version I have attempted to use.  

There is Using a Database, which is easier to get working than actually
Creating a Database from Scratch.  In the past, I needed to create a
Database from Scratch, as no one on staff was going to build it for me
etc.  And I wasn't expecting them to do so.  

At the time, we had two or three Databases, one for Customers, and
another for Bug Tracking.  I forget what the third database was for, but
I rarely needed to get into it.

The Company always went the Cheap route, and was using some Freeware Bug
Tracking software, and Window Eyes, at the time, would not read anything.  

The same Company had a Web Based Customer Base, and Window eyes would
read bits and pieces, but not enough for me to fill out the entire form.  

When I speak with HR people, I will ask, or they will ask me about my
knowledge of what ever software they use.  There seems to be a wide
variety of Customer tracking and Bug Tracking software out there, and I
have to tell them that No, I do not know any of those packages.  And I
do not know if my Screen Reader will read enough in any of those

I have never been one to insist the Company change everything they do so
they can have the Privilege of hiring me.   Ha Ha!  I have always gone
into Jobs believing it was up to me to adjust to what ever system they
are already using.    I do not play the Blind Card.  

I ask about Databases about every two to three years just incase someone
has made a break through, using any Screen Reader.    So far, JAWS seems
to read better than any others, but from what I've read, this too is

Back in the mid 90's, MS Windows 3.1 was the big OS at the time, and
Lotus was a big player in the Spread Sheet market.  Lotus came out with
a Suite of programs, A Spread Sheet, a Word Processor, and a Database
called Approach.    This one database worked great with Window Eyes at
the time.  I could read and create what ever database I needed.  

However, the Approach software was limited and you might say our
Department out grew its capabilities.  

We then moved over to Access and I never could get Window Eyes to read
as well as it had in Approach.  

Probably 10 years ago, I bought a newer version of Approach, installed it
and found they had changed the program so much that Window Eyes no
longer read much of anything.  

About four years ago, I was able to try a copy of Alpha 5, which is a
fantastic database, probably the best I have seen.  But, Window eyes
would read some things well and not read other things.   Like, I might
be able to read Menus, but once a selection was chose, the Screen Reader
would not read anything on the screen.    Here again, Bits and Pieces
getting read, but not enough to be able to use the software.  

I probably should have learned to write Scripts, but frankly, I was Lazy,
and just didn't want to put in the effort it would take to learn how to
write good ones.  

anyway, this is my story.  Others working in Government offices have
told me they can use their Network Based Database with no problems. 
This is good to hear, so there are some out there able to use a Screen
Reader with a Database.  

I'll keep looking and perhaps  I will stumble onto something that works
well enough.  

Grumpy Dave

Dave <dlh...@centurylink.net>

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