What's an SJW?


On 1/29/2017 8:52 AM, Dave via Talk wrote:
Sorry, as this subject comes around again, I had to laugh when I read
that someone was going to change the negativity by re-titling the
Subject line.    Sounds like some Butt Hurt SJW who is looking for a
Safe Place after getting their Feelings Hurt.

I wish my conclusions were different, but my own thoughts run along the
same lines as Vaughn's.   There are some disturbing signs, that all has
not been well at GW Micro, or for the future of Window Eyes.

BW Micro had a great staff and many had been their for years.  When that
staff, in a very short amount of time, start leaving, this is not a Good

I feel for Doug, as it seems he is one of the last  still standing at
what is left of the old GW Micro.

Now that a much larger Company has came along and Swallowed up A I
Squared, and GW Micro.  We will all need to wait and see what the Big
New Company does with its new acquisitions.

The personal service we all received from GW Micro is probably gone for
good. Large companies tend to be less caring, and do not allow their
employees to have the same amount of liberty as the staff of a much
smaller company might experience.

Large Companies tend to move slower, and fix problems when they get
around to it.  usually when the problem is causing a loss in money
coming in.

I am Thankful for the Support I was given when the most recent update
was made available.  Without this, all of us would be using NVDA today.

I do expect Window Eyes will be continuing, but at a much slower pace
than before.

There may come a time when Microsoft does a new Windows 11, or 12,  that
makes Window Eyes un=usable.    The folks at the top of this Big New
Company will need to decide whether to invest the money and resources to
update Window Eyes, or just push Window Eyes into the Trash Bin, and
make all of us an offer to upgrade to JAWS.

Speculations are nothing more than responding to signs of impending
change to come.

We all have seen changes in the staff, and other issues that were slow
to be addressed.  And so the speculations begin, and will continue.
Call in Human Nature.  Few of us like Surprises.

And lets face it, all of us here have invested a fair amount of cash
into Window Eyes, and to start over With JAWS or something else isn't
something I really want to do, unless I find myself with no other

All of us are along for the ride, where ever it might go.  If Window
Eyes lives on, Great!  And if Not, then Not so Great, but we all will
adjust as changes come.    As Blind people, we all have had to make many
adjustments along the Path we all have walked.

All of us will do what we need to do when the time comes.

Grumpy Dave

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