Well, of course it's safe to use. I'm not sure why anyone would think it wouldn't be safe?

Just keep in mind that if you use the free version, office has to be installed. If it isn't, the free Window-eyes will fail to start.

If you're talking about safety with regards to updates to the software, that unfortunately ended today. is the final version of Window-eyes, and won't be updated going forward. the only way to get a full version of JAWS is to actually purchase it outright, and in that case I'd say get yourself a copy of NVDA, which is free, and will work really well.

The above assumes that you're only using the free version. If you're a paid user of Window-eyes and have remaining counts on your SMA, you can fill out a form that will entitle you to a free copy of JAWS 18. You can essentially cash in your SMA counts for a version of JAWS that is brand new and will be updated going forward.

            I hope that helps.

On 5/15/2017 4:16 PM, Mike Bernard via Talk wrote:
Hi again everyone.

For any of you who have ever tried it, is the free Window-eyes for office
version 9.5.40 safe to use? I know they won't be upgrading it anymore being
that window-eyes has been discontinued, but at least its free and for those
of us who wish to can still at least have a working copy of Window-eyes that
actually works, for the time being, until we're forced to use something


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