Hello again listers,

I have just come off a rather tromatic computer crash experience, one that I think will haunt me for at least a while. I will spare you all the gory details in this message.

Although I do intend to make the migration to JAWS some time in the relatively near future, but right now I have managed to get WE for Offfice to run, thanks to the Office key being stored on my motherboard. I certainly hope that one of you can give me the news I would so much like to hear.

What I need to know if it is at all possible to once again obtain Eloquence speech since I lost my previous license in the crash.

At present I am using the female Microsoft voice, but it is not only harder to understand, but the responsiveness leaves much to be desired.

If not, would it be possible to use a version of Eloquence purchased for NVDA with WE for Office as well?

Hope I've made myself understandbale in my enquiree. At the moment, nothing else makes any real sense at the moment.

Any help with this matter will be greatly appreciated,

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