Hello All,

Just to give my 2 cents worth of info, I use the free WE for Office version and so far have had no problems, although I have not tried it with Chrome yet. Of course, you have to have a registered version of Microsoft office for this to work.

-----Original Message----- From: Larry Higgins via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 10:09 AM
To: Rod Hutton via Talk
Cc: Larry Higgins
Subject: Re: help and info

Bernie, Have you considered downloading the WE for Office program, and
just starting over, more or less? That might give you a new lease on
life, as it pertains to Window-Eyes anyway.

Just a thought,


On 10/17/2017 8:54 PM, Rod Hutton via Talk wrote:
Hi Bernie,

Some time back, even those of us who had a full install of 9.5.4 had to upgrae to a new version with the same number due to the fact that the software certificate had expired. I assume that your version of 9.2 would have the same certificate and so this would explain the error message. At this point, your best solution is to move to NVDA, just as I have when Window-Eyes doesn't work for me.



-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+rod_hutton=hotmail....@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf Of Bernie Perella via Talk
Sent: October 17, 2017 4:33 PM
To: talk@lists.window-eyes.com
Cc: Bernie Perella <bernie.pere...@outlook.com>
Subject: help and info

Hi,  I have a Toshiba Satellite 2 in 1 laptop running the latest version
of Windows and WE 9.5.4.  Sometime ago, my system began to be more
unstable and I was having a number of issues with WE. After researching
the issue, I concluded that my computer had a virus or a piece of
malfunctioning hardware.  After exhausting as many possible solutions
that I knew, I finally did a Windows reset during which many apps,
including WE were uninstalled.  After the reset, I tried using  the
downloaded file for WE 9.2 but when I tried to eecute it, I got an error
indicating that the certificate was blocked by an administrator.  I have
an admin account on my system so I am not sure who the administrator
would be.  In the meantime, I used Narrator only to discover that things
hadn't improved very much.  I contacted the MS disabilities desk and
after much discussion, they advised that I do a windows repair. they
helped me through the process.  Before doing it, the MS rep attempted to
install the We 9.2 and even though the same error occurred, WE 9.2  did
install.  After the repair, when WE 9.2 starts, I get a hooking error
and the error window isn't easy to close.  I remember that this hooking
error issue was discussed but since I haven't yet restored my back
emails, I am asking for help with it and with the certificate problem.
Like many on here, I realize that the other company isn't helping very
much so thought I would tap the knowledge base on this list.  Thanks in
advance. BP

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