JAWS also has Alt-Shift-L, which acts somewhat like the Window-Eyes Alt-semicolon hotkey does.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
-----Original Message----- From: Tom Kingston via Talk
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 1:12 PM
To: Van Lant, Robin via Talk
Cc: Tom Kingston
Subject: Re: Help with JAWS spell checking in Outlook and Word

I don't know about JAWS as I've barely gotten beyond wrestling with it
for a bit here and there. But Word itself has a keyboard shortcut to
jump to the next spelling or grammatical error: Alt+F7.
Here's a link to a page with all the keyboard shortcuts.

On 11/29/2017 12:40 PM, Van Lant, Robin via Talk wrote:
I'm struggling with the transition to JAWS as it relates to spell checking a Word document or Outlook email. I absolutely loved the Window Eyes feature allowing me to move to each error with Alt semicolon and apostrophe. I really did not get the hang of navigating the Spell checking dialog efficiently. So, to those who have made the transition, can you guide me as to the best way to spell check? I'm in Office 2010.

Robin Van Lant | Sr. Program Manager
Strategy & Performance Management | Key Equipment Finance
720-304-1060 | robin_van_l...@key.com

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