OK, guys.
This, is going to be a rather long message, so work your way through.
I will try to share my findings on the issue you are having, with the 
WeatherOrNot app. These are based on some fooling around, and quick 
searchings on the net, so take them for what they are worth. I do have 
no clue exactly where, how or what the Weather app extracts its info, so 
you will have to do your own playing around. But when I tried the 
following steps, it at least gave me some results. Smiles.

As someone suggested, please make it a habit of backing up any file 
before you modify it at all.

OK, the first thing we need to know, is the Longitude and Latitude 
coordinates, in a decimal format, for the city or place you are trying 
to add. I did try a few webpages, and here is one that I found to be 
fairly easy to operate with WinEyes:

When opening the page, go to the first Edit box, and here enter your 
city. Like:
     Toronto, On
for finding the city of Toronto in the province of Ontario, in Canada.
Once you have typed your info, hit the Enter key.
Please note, it seems that you will have to manually turn back on Browse 
Mode here.

The page will now come up with its results. If it found the exact city 
or place, it will give you two edit boxes, right beneath the Find-button 
on the page. They will hold the necessary numbers, for the  Longitude 
and Latitude. Copy and paste them into your ini file, as will be 
described below.

In a few cases, I noticed the page came up with more than one choice for 
the city. They then were presented in a table, with a link for each 
city. You would simply choose the wanted link, hit Enter, and go to the 
text line, that gives you the coordinates. Copy and paste the given info 
into your ini file.

How To Modify The Ini File?
Now that we have found the needed info to direct the app, let's get to 
the real job. And, yes, it is a bit of typing to be done. We will go by 
it, step by step.

First, open your WE control panel, and hit Alt-F, followed by the letter 
E. The user profile folder will open.

Keep pressing the W, til you get to the file named:
, and hit Enter on it. It should open in something like Notepad.
Please note, from here, it will be good to have your synth spell out all 
punctuations, and even Upper- and Lower-cased characters, as they are 
all important.

In the ini file, scroll down to the line that reads
. Do NOT modify this line.

Hit the End-key, to go to the end of the line, and then Hit Enter. You 
now have a blank line for entering your personalized info.
What the app wants here, is a section name, for your new location. To 
keep our above example rolling, enter the following line. Or, modify it 
to your personal location:
     Toronto, Ontario=43.651890, -79.381710
. To break this line down, please note:
To the left of the Equals sign, we give the app the name of the location 
we are entering. It doesn't really matter what name you give it, long as 
you keep track of the exact name and spelling - as we will be using it 
in a moment.
Behind the Equal sign, we give the two coordinates, as copied from the 
website. First the Latitude, followed by a Comma, A space character, and 
then the Longitude value. No other info, no other punctuation. The 
coordinates should be given in positive or negative values, exactly 
copied from the website.

Once this Location line has been established, we are ready to move on to 
the next modification of the ini file.
Move yourself to the bottom of the file, by hitting Ctrl-end.

You now will have to enter a section, holding the actual settings for 
your new location. this section, it is, that controls how and what info 
the app will read to you.

A section, always starts out with a header. That is, a line enclosed in 
brackets. The header, should be an exact copy of the info you entered to 
the left of the Equal sign, in your location line. It is case, and 
character sensitive, so make sure you get an one-by-one copy of your 
location line. In our example, it will look like this:
     [Toronto, ontario]
. Press Enter when you are done.

Now that we have established the section, it is time to set it all up. 
The section should hold four fields. They are placed on individual 
lines, their name spelled all in lower-cases, and ends with an Equal 
sign, and your wanted setting. Lets get to them one by one.

Here enter the name of the location, that you want read out to you, 
whenever you press the hotkey. It could be the city name, or some kind 
of an alias - like home, work, grandma's place, or whatever. Our example 
line could be:
     Name=Big city of Canada.
Please note, that you can use a mix of upper- and lower-cased 
characters, along with normal punctuation (except from the Equal sign), 
or even numbers - in your string here.

Behind the Equal sign, enter a lower-cased c, for Celcius; or a 
lowercased f, for having the temperature read in degrees Fahrenheit. 
Obviously, it seems there should be a way to have the app read both 
formats, and my guess is that you simply enter either cf, or fc, in this 

Here enter ms, for meter-per-second; or mph, to have the app giving you 
the windspeed in miles-per-hour. A couple more measurements should be 
available, far as I can see, but you will do your own playing.

Huh? Don't ask me what this means. But apparently the app wants you to 
tell it that you, your old auntie, or the pizza you had for dinner last 
night was OK. Give it what it wants, and hope for the best. Smiles. If 
you decide to fool with this line, and feel you can make any sense of 
it, get back and enlighten us all. Hit Enter when you are all done.

You know what?
You now are almost done. Only two very important steps are left. But 
before we take care of them, let me just sum up the lines we entered in 
our example.

Toronto, Ontario=43.651890, -79.381710
[Toronto, Ontario]
name=A Fun Place To Visit

Yep. And now to the final steps.
First one, surprisingly enough, will be to hit the Alt-F4, and choosing 
to save our updates to the file.

Second step, is to restart the app.
Go to the WE control panel, and hit the Alt-A.
Hit the Right-Arrow, to expand the App managing.
Scroll down to App Managing, and hit Enter.
here, press the W, till you get to the WeatherOrNot app.
Either hit the Alt-R to reload, or hit the Alt-E twice to turn it off 
and back on.

Boys and Girls, job should be done. though a rather long description, 
your new location now should be ready to be announced, whenever you hit 
the app hotkey. Anything not working? Well, let the list know, and see 
if there might be a workaround.

Oh, and let me add one extra goodie to it all. If you have more than one 
location, you can add them on to your ini file. The steps will be all 
the same. You need one location line, and a whole section for each 
location. When the read-aloud is taking place, the app will read to you 
the locations and their info, consequtively. That is, it will read the 
locations, in the order they are listed in the [Locations] part of the 
ini file. So make sure you organize the lines in the order you want 
things read out.

To have a small break between each location, you could try to enter a 
period-sign, and a space character as the beginning of each name-string. 
name=. My Home Place

Enjoy your playing.


On 2/3/2019 6:12 AM, Rod Hutton via Talk wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> I have the current versions of GW Toolkit, 8.6.8, as well as Weather or Not, 
> 4.0.0.
> The app is working fine for me, giving me my current weather conditions.
> I tried adding your city, but I get the same error as you.
> I have tried looking at the code of the app, in the hope of determining and 
> possibly changing the weather information server it uses.
> Unfortunately, the app is encrypted, making it impossible to do anything with 
> it.
> Given that I can confirm that the app works, I can only suggest that if you 
> ever used the app to get your local weather, see if you can find an old 
> backup copy of the Weather Or Not ini file, and paste it into the Profile 
> folder.
> The file you need is named weatherornot.ini, and, before pasting it into the 
> Profiles folder, you should probably rename the current one to something like 
> weatherornot.ini.current.
> Sorry I can't be of more help.
> Good luck,
> Rod
> Sent from Outlook for Windows
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Talk <talk-bounces+rod_hutton=hotmail....@lists.window-eyes.com> On 
> Behalf Of Larry Higgins via Talk
> Sent: February 2, 2019 1:44 PM
> To: 'Window-Eyes Discussion List' <talk@lists.window-eyes.com>
> Cc: Larry Higgins <larryhiggin...@comcast.net>
> Subject: Weather or not issue
> OK, I'm probably not ging to get any good news regarding a solution for
> my problem, but here goes anyway.
> Just yesterday, I decided I would like to add Albuquerque, NM to my list
> of weather conditions around the country, but when either entering the
> city, state, and country, or zip code, I get a message saying something
> along the lines of "can't  fine the city," or something of that nature.
> It doesn't matter just what city or zip code I type in, I get the same
> error message.
> Is this a permanent issue,  or might there be a solution.
> Hopefully,
> Larry
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