
I think you misremembered the command. The command, or key combo is alt+shift+k.

In order to pan from left to right, at least as far as I know, is to go to the equalizer using alt+g, then using your left and right arrow keys. That always works for me

On 4/1/2019 10:24 PM, Donald L. Roberts via Talk wrote:
A few days ago, I posted a message inquiring about making certain that when using Winamp I was completely in the center of the right and left stereo channels. I got a response suggesting I use control alt k to make sure I had things centered. When reflecting on this, I wondered if this wasn't a Jaws command rather than a command in a Window-eyes Winamp script. If in fact it is a Jaws command, is there a comparable command for Window-eyes? Additionally, I really want to pan right to left and left to right. How do I do this in Window-eyes? What is the Jaws command to pan?


Don Roberts

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