I think you hold down the ctrl key and then press Space at each file that you want to select. I haven't done this, so proceed with caution.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
-----Original Message----- From: David via Talk
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 9:29 AM
To: WE English Mailinglist
Cc: David
Subject: Help needed: Deleting multiple files

Running Win7.


I have tried figuring this out, but seem to be blank-minded today.
Anyone has some experience, please let me know.

I have a folder, holding numerous files. I open it in Windows Explorer,
and arrow my way down through the list of files.

It occurs, that I need to delete several of the files. Fine, if they had
been right next to each other, I would have used the Shift-Arrow
combinations - selecting the files to be deleted, and then press Del-key.

Thing is, the files are spread out  all over the list. I need to delete
say file number 1, 4 and 6. So exactly


do I go about that one. I searched the net, and it said to use the
CTRL-key, along with the mouse. If I hold the CTRL along with the Slash
or Star on the numeric keypad, simulating the Left or Right clicks on
the mouse, I only hear




spoken, and nothing else happens.

It further claimed you alternatively should use CTRL-Space, and it would
select the file currently focused. Thing is, I tried that one too, and
it still does not work. So what is the clue?

How does one select multiple files, in Windows Explorer, with the use of

To make it more complicated for you, I did try yet another approach. I
used the Insert-Del combination on the numeric keypad. It gave me the
chance to


but when I did choose to let it do so, on each of the files in question,
and then pressed Del to delete - Only the currently focused file will be
deleted. In other words, none of the other files I thought I had marked,
did actually receive any marking.

Hope all of this makes any sense. By The Way, is this kind of operation
more accessible in either of the other Screen Readers, NVDA or Jaws. If
so, what's the procedure, please?

Thanks all,


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