Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>> Being able to extract a defined area would be useful rather than having to 
>> use 
>> the whole planet dump. But would dumping that as shape files really be 
>> useful? 
>> A set of local copies of the relevant tiles could be useful, 
> I was thinking of custom styles - if people wanted to use their own styles 
> they might want to generate their own tiles rather than use the defaults.
A custom means of creating the tiles - yep that would be useful.

>> but personally 
>> being able to run a fully editable map for say a local council - information 
>>from which could then be passed back to OSM - would be useful. They can then 
>> add private local data over the top which is allowed.
> Do you mean the ability to edit the roads, or just the POIs? The former 
> would probably involve installing an editor like Potlatch locally whilst 
> the latter would be (relatively) easy to implement.
Which is why I'm thinking a custom slice of the OSM data. The thought at the 
moment is that councils are often drawing up 'new boundaries' or highlighting 
areas on their 'local plan', so a means that does not involve highlighters and 
a scanner seems like a good idea?
Certainly a means of running local editing could be very useful, and if that 
fine detail then feeds back into OSM ....

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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