On Wednesday 02 January 2008, Karl Newman wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2008 6:20 AM, Ben Laenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 01 January 2008, Alex S. wrote:
> > > Maning Sambale wrote:
> > > > But no option for selection one or series of segments in way?
> > > > Using josm 486 version.
> > >
> > > There are no more segments as of API v0.5.  You reuse nodes,
> > > instead.
> >
> > Am I btw correct in thinking that with the new three-layered way of
> > tagging things (nodes-ways-relations) that it's best to have split
> > ways on every node where another way meets it? So, instead of one
> > big way long as I used to tag things, now a separate way between
> > every crossroad?
> >
> > Ben
> I hope that's not being encouraged. Ways should not be split just
> because there's an intersection. Ways should be split only when the
> properties of the way change (i.e., speed limit changes, or way goes
> over a bridge, etc.). Having lots of little streets is almost like
> having segments again. It's not very efficient.
> Karl

But when only part of a road belong to a specific route, you need to 
split it up again to make that part belong to the relation. I guess 
it's not needed for all roads, but when adding bus routes, cycle routes 
and maybe what else there is to add, the effect would be that the roads 
would have to be split up...

(On the same note, I find it quite easy to mess up relations by joining 
different roads again into one at the moment :-) )


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