Hi Artem,

This is really useful. I think it'll be especially handy for me if our
main osm.xml file uses this - at the moment it's quite a lengthy
procedure to resync the cycle map with the base osm.xml, since I'm
trying to keep all of the roads rules the same bar the colour. It's
hard to see what's going on when diff'ing, but this should make it

Have you any thoughts on using this for e.g. tunnels? i.e. where you
have a large number of style rules (e.g. roads) and you want to say
"do all of that again, but this time dotted" when adding 'and tunnel =
yes' to the selector, without having to verbosely repeat all the road
rules again? I'm starting to find that with the cycle stuff, with
proposed routes etc, that the rules are fairly repetitive. There might
be a clever way to implement this concept using these entities, but
was wondering if you'd thought it through already for me.


On Jan 2, 2008 3:50 PM, Artem Pavlenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!
> David Siegel implemented support for libxml2 parser in Mapnik, check
> it out :
> http://mapnik.org/news/2008/jan/02/managing_large_xml/
> http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/ManagingLargeXmlFiles
> Happy New Year!
> Artem
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