Yes, it breaks down when it tries to load the parking icon from the OSM 
wiki. You can see the rule on, parking 
icons are shown from the level 13.
You can solve this issue this way:
1. download the icon manually and save it somewhere
2. open Samples\RenderingRules.txt and then modify the URL of the 
ParkingNode rule to point to your local icon.

Do the same thing with the TrafficSignals node. Or just delete the two 
rules :)
I will add HTTP proxy settings in future versions so this should not be 
a problem anymore.


Milenko wrote:
> Just as an edit - this only happens with the sample project.  I loaded 
> my own .osm and it's rendering at level 17 right now.
> -Jeremy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Milenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Igor Brejc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "OSM Talk List" 
> <>
> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 3:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Kosmos - new OSM map rendering engine
>> I get an error when zooming past level 13.  I am on a corporate LAN 
>> with an
>> authenticating proxy server and it seems to be trying to fetch something
>> from somewhere.  This happens in the gui when zooming in and as shown 
>> below
>> when trying to generate tiles:
>> Kosmos Console v1.1.4.1 by Igor Brejc
>> OpenStreetMap rendering application
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 0.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 1.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 2.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 3.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 4.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 5.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 6.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 7.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 8.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 9.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 10.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 11.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 12.
>> Started rendering tiles for zoom level 13.
>> ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication
>> Required.
>> Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server 
>> returned an
>> erro
>> r: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
>>   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
>>   at Kosmos.GdiMapPainting.GdiMapPainter.GetImage(Uri imageUrl)
>>   at Kosmos.GdiMapPainting.GdiMapPainterIconCommand.DoDraw(IMapView
>> mapView, Gr
>> aphics g, GdiMapPainterPaintingStage paintingStage)
>>   at Kosmos.GdiMapPainting.GdiMapPainterCommandBase.Draw(IMapView 
>> mapView,
>> Grap
>> hics g, GdiMapPainterPaintingStage paintingStage)
>>   at Kosmos.GdiMapPainting.GdiMapPainter.PaintMap(IMapView mapView)
>>   at Kosmos.DefaultTileRenderer.RenderTilesAsImage(String tileId, Double
>> firstT
>> ileLongitudeCenter, Double firstTileLatitudeCenter, Double 
>> mapZoomFactor)
>>   at Kosmos.TilesRenderingEngine.RenderMapTiles()
>>   at Kosmos.Console.KosmosTileGeneratingCommand.Execute()
>>   at Brejc.Common.Console.ConsoleApplicationBase.Run()
>>   at Kosmos.Console.Program.Main(String[] args)
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Igor Brejc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "OSM Talk List" <>
>> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:36 PM
>> Subject: [OSM-talk] Kosmos - new OSM map rendering engine
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> You are invited to test the new Kosmos map rendering engine for OSM:
>>> Main features:
>>> - It's lightweight - no setup necessary (except .NET 2.0)
>>> - Windows application for interactive rendering
>>> - Can be used together with JOSM to display newly entered OSM data even
>>> before it is uploaded to OSM server
>>> - Includes map tiles generator
>>> - Includes Web tile map server and slippymap OpenLayers client
>>> - Rendering rules can be stored in OSM Wiki (see
>>> as example)
>>> Kosmos runs on Windows. If you're able to make it run on Linux, please
>>> let me know!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Brejc
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