Bruce Cowan wrote:
> This is probably a problem with TIGER data as well, as it can be pretty
> inaccurate. On seeing an area with roads, someone might think "oh, it's
> done, I won't bother doing anything here", even though the data is
> wrong/inaccurate. This probably wouldn't be the case with vmap0 though.

One way to "solve" this, would be to make OSM, or maybe maplint,
highlight any data marked as being incomplete/unverified (like the
tiger:reviewed=no value used for TIGER)

> When I first started, there was a major road not far from here which was
> presumably landsat derived, which I aimed to connect to.
> If only OSM had multiple databases, one for each source (GPS, TIGER,
> Yahoo, landsat, OAM, vmap0), then conflicts wouldn't be as much of a
> problem (I'm referring mainly to TIGER data where people had already
> been mapping).

Conflicts wouldn't be a problem, but it would become
difficult/impossible to edit the other data sources, would it not?

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