Robin Paulson wrote:
> further to my previous post about editing the wiki, are there any
> mediawiki gurus here?
> a set of templates (or even one!) for proposals would save a lot of
> time, does anyone feel like volunteering to create one? hopefully,
> this would give some guidelines for people when proposing tags, and
> save a lot of time currently wasted on cleanups

Unless I'm misunderstanding what we need here, Mediawiki Templates 
aren't quite what we want: we want something more akin to Templates in 
Word, where you 'clone' the template and then edit it to what you want. 
Mediawiki templates require passing in arguments to the call to them, 
which isn't really suitable for large clumps of text.

We might be better installing one of these:

These would allow us to create a little 'form' that people can type into 
when proposing a feature, that will then create the relevant wiki page.


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